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We have gone into a Courthouse and found records clients have looked for 20 years in that courthouse and found the records in 35 minutes. Why?
We have seen most problems thousands of times. With our experience, we will see something that points the way to find what is needed. We can’t teach that.
All courthouses have about 60% of the same type of records. However, about 40% of records vary extensively. There are some rules to follow.
Never go on Monday or Friday, the staff are too busy at these times to help. Never tell the staff something about their courthouse; We always copy the Works Progress Administration records about all US Courthouse and show the staff and ask them what they think. Never mention the word Adoption. We need to get into the courthouse records and look ourselves. We ask to look at the land records.
There are many other rules we will not mention here. There are legal loopholes, but telling people will lead to lawmakers changing the laws.
We have legal ways to find out a person’s biological parents if Adopted.
There is a very important process to find native records. We will explain it to you with a phone consultation.
June 29, 2024