Billion Dollar Genealogy Companies for Hire

The following is a list of Companies that do research. You decide if you want their help based on these revealing facts. is estimated to be worth over 2 Billion Dollars. Most of the people at this company are Mormons. They generate most of their income through annual Subscriptions.

They also sell DNA Kits and make millions doing this. The truth about DNA you will never hear. DNA is over 20 years away from being accurate. Why do you think these DNA companies keep changing their DNA Algorithms and all of a sudden, you have more connections? Why can’t these DNA companies tell which Native American Tribe a client belongs to if Native? Maybe you are not told because this company wants to make Money from your purchase? Does this sound like a Car salesman?

Their other revenue is through a genealogy company called Progenealogy. This needs to be investigated further for nefarious behavior. A few years ago, along with the consultancy of a prominent member of this company’s leadership, set up a genealogy resource consisting of over 3,000 professional genealogists where individuals could take bids for professional research and record retrieval. Many of these professionals quit their normal jobs and went into Professional Genealogy full time. collected all the contact information from these professionals and a network that covered most of the world was formed. At the same time, unbeknown to these professional’s, was busy pursuing the purchase of progenealogist. Once acquired this new research company they closed down their established network, which was called “Expert Connect” Over 2,700 people were instantly unemployed and desperate. About 300 were smart enough not to trust and didn’t put all their eggs in the one basket. This is the pattern at buys out or tries to buyout any company that is a competitor. Now is this progenealogist any good? You will need to decide for yourself. Once this company was brought by they could not handle the amount of clients. Many college students with no field experience were retained by When you retain the services of you speak to a case manager. You do not speak with your research or research team. Hence much is lost, and quality suffers. They never do field search. I believe they try and use the network information collected from Expert Connect to do the field research and collect records. Third Party researchers are never paid enough and hence cut corners.

I have personally consulted DNA professionals. I believe they are guessing and really don’t know what they are doing. Except to make the company money. is another big subscription website with DNA available. This company is located in Israel. Do you really want that? And they have jumped on the DNA bandwagon to make money.

Legacy Tree Genealogists is a classic example of other large genealogy companies in Utah. They took many college graduates who have no field experience.

The subscription websites are fine if you know how to totally utilize them. The problem is DNA is inaccurate and the research services suck. Yes Sucks! The truth is you might as well sit at your computer in your office and save your money. That is what most of these researchers do.

The key to successful ancestry is to have someone who travels and there are very few who do. They will cost you money, but save you tens of thousands of dollars because they are experienced in every State. This means saving money and time.

There is only about 10% of genealogy records available on these subscription websites. So where are the rest of your ancestors records? They are in Courthouses across the country. They are in Historical Society’s across the country. And many other places synonymous with where your ancestors lived. The only way to make sure, you have the right ancestors, is to recon the area your ancestors lived, and yet your ancestors records could be thousands of miles from where they lived. Only a professional researcher who has spent years traveling in and out of these repositories can truly give you the accuracy that is critical in this ancestral field. This is what makes unique at finding rare documents of your ancestors.

My inside sources tell me that cares about you so much that they are introducing a Free, Yes Free, research service for People.

The Mandarin

January 11, 2019